Lief gestern (Mittwoch) auf SF 2.
Wer kenn den Film? Wie hat er euch gefallen?
Ich persönlich war/bin begeistert: spannende Thematik, super Cast, philosophischer Hintergrund, Gänsehautfeeling und sporadisch witzige Szenen.
Barnes: If this translation is right this alien sounds like an idiot.
Beth: That's something to consider - a stupid alien. Well, they must have them.[/quote]
Wer kenn den Film? Wie hat er euch gefallen?
Ich persönlich war/bin begeistert: spannende Thematik, super Cast, philosophischer Hintergrund, Gänsehautfeeling und sporadisch witzige Szenen.

Originally posted by Sphere+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sphere)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Barnes: Ask him for his last name.
Harry: What?
Barnes: I want a full name for my report. I'm not putting in my report that I lost a crew member on a deep-sat expedition to find an alien named "Jerry".[/b]
Barnes: If this translation is right this alien sounds like an idiot.
Beth: That's something to consider - a stupid alien. Well, they must have them.[/quote]