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Englisch II

ah yes, and it was remember, not remind^^

oh wow, I looked that up, "oh my gosh" does exist :komisch:

a spelling mistake^^

my maths teacher is gonna kill me... and my french teacher... and... I wonder who won't :lol:
every teacher hates me, but they can't do anything because I'm good:) it's great:D

I just remembered that I told my least favourite teacher (maths...) I'd change the school... :rofl:
damn it, i guess this will come out when school starts and I'm still there...
Hi everybody!
How are you?

I also schoud have studied something for school during my holidays but I didn't. But I have still some time to do because I have got holidays...for me school starts in 2 weeks and a half on september 14th.
Oh, this is so embarrassing, now I can't even talk German....
But Soph, you're right and I hope, I'll be better in a few weeks ;)

Ah yes, remember.....I think my English has to be much better for studying that language on an university. I want to study English, German and some scandinavian languages.

Well, I'll go and watch TV now. And I'll learn later....
une fraise, it sounds like "phrase" somehow^^ I know "Pomme"="Apfel" and "Pomme de terre" (or so)="Kartoffel" :D
That´s not fair. I must go to school since three, terrible weeks. Because the are nerving :zustimmen ähm, "manchmal" (I forget the word...)
Yeah, than its of Course fair^^ You do something special yet? I`ll test Icons. Hope you understand what I mean :D