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Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(Starting reanimation... one, two, three... deep breath... ;))


In Viktoría's head the prophecies spinned around. She looked form one to the other and it felt like monthes until one of them spoke again. And to her own astonishment it was her own voice that broke the silence.
"Guyes, Chiron is right. We should rest."
She stood a moment later and made for the door. It felt so weird to move again... wait, they have been here for half an hour not much longer. She frowned and opend the door. Outside the air was warm like every evening and Torí could hear sounds from the bonfire and smell the food. Her stomache rumbled and she headed for the fire. Athena's daughter filled her plate, went to the fire and gave a big chunk of pork to the gods and sat at her table to eat.
All the time her thoughts spun around the Oracle's words. 'A sleeper shall wake...'
Chewing her last potato she fumbled in her pocket to produce the golden compass.
"It points at something, but not North. Where..." She turned it over and over staring at every bit of gold.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(cough cough...snapping for air...)


In Kimons head the prophecy was spinning around. He thought it through and through. Once the humans joy is gone - find the watchful eye at sun - bear it's curse with wise man's talk - a master's net shall help to balk. Kimon guessed that not only humans joy would be gone but also the satyrs and centaurs and everyone else on the "good side".

Victorías words broke the silence and Kimon winced at her suggestion.
"Yes, we should..." he spoke slowly and quietly. Then he followed her out of the house to the bonfire and the other camp inhabitants. The young satyr ate some vegetables but he coulnd't eat much. He was still thinking. Sitting next to Torí, Kimon whispered to her: "What do you think? The compass...?" She would know what he meant. As she answered his question (Kimon felt that her answer was more to herself than to his question) he took a look at the small golden thing too. "It could point to everything...nice or evil."
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(trying again... ;) one... two... three *deep breath* :))


Torí looked up and met Kimon's gaze. She could tell that he was troubled by the whole situation too and he was pondering over the compass like she did.
"You're right. I haven't thought about this possibility yet", she admitted and smiled a little. There were so many things this golden object could point toward. It made her feel uncomfortable.
"Probably we should ask Chiron? He gave it to us in the first place", the demigod suggested even though she had a feeling that the centaur would answer in riddles. Athena's daughter turned the compass over once again and studied the image of Janus, God of Beginnings... well amongst other things.
"Isn't Janus more a roman god?", she asked suddenly and again a very bad feeling was creeping over her. She frowned and put the compass away. Torí managed a smile.
"K-man, I think I have to check a few things back in my cabine. Sleep well." She hugged the satyr and raced to Athena's cabine. There she put away some maps and other things which blocked her working space and pull a thick volume about greek mythology out of a shelf. Viktoría sat down, placed the compass on the table and started reading, until she fell asleep.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

Sunset / At the Bonfire

After the campers, who were invited in the big house mingled between the others who were already at the bonfire, rumours began to spread quite quickly. It didn't take long, when everyone knew about the prophecy.
"A quest!", people screamed hysterically, "finally!"
"This is my chance", some murmured to themselves, while others looked frightened by what consequences the prophecy - or worse, to be picked for the quest - would have. As it was Gideon who the Oracle spoke to, the campers either stuck to his side, trying to convince them how handy it would come if he'd picked them, others changed their path, whenever they were about to cross Gideon's.
When the sun finally sunk in the water and left only a very dim light, people wandered of in their houses, well knowing that tomorrow would be an important day, the day Gideon would have to decide who will join him on the quest.

Night / Near Athena's Cabine / Charlotte

It was quarter to twelve, almost midnight, when Charles waited behind the cabin, looking for John. She already stood there for another fifeteen minutes. She hated to wait outside in the dark and relatively cold night, but the strange feeling didn't leave her, it would be bad luck to get there just in time for her arranged robbery-meeting.

When a figure slipped out of Athena's cabine, looking suspicious, she knew her instincts - or maybe her godly power? - had been right. Suddenly she stepped out of the shadows herself, trying to block the persons way. Of course, the other one saw her and changed directions, now running. It did take Charles a short moment of concentration and the unknown slipped and fell to the floor. When he got up, Charles was already standing in front of him.

"Lousy son of Hermes!", she cursed, grabbing him by his arms. "What were you doing inside the cabine of Athena?" The boy did look to his pocket, were a bit of the compass was showing. Charles followed his gaze, noticed the compass. "Your name is Matt... no... it's Jack. Right?", she asked with a harsh, but quiet tone. "What the heck were you trying to do? Steal the compass?" "He stole the compass?", a new voice joined, it was Johns. After a few seconds of irritation, John started to talk, but Charles interupted him. She couldn't risk him to reveal their plan to steal the compass themselves. Instead she had spunn a new plan.

"Alright, Jack. You will give us the compass and we won't tell Chiron and Viktoría you stole it. Do you understand me?" Jack made some grunting noises and Charles' green eyes showed an angry flicker of red. "You do not want to have the Daughter of Revenge herself against you." Still, Jacks face showed he didn't like the idea, but finally he agreed, walking off murmuring worse curses, most of the campers even know.

After he was out of sight, she turned to John, smiling widely, offering him the compass. "Here, it is yours. As promised. And you do not even have to have a guilty conscience." With that, she turned around, walking back to her cabine herself. He shouted a question after her, but she didn't answer.

Night / Adriana's dream / Aphrodite & Adriana

At some point of Adriana's dream the scene shifted. She found herself in front of a golden door. When she opened it and stepped through it, she saw a beautiful woman sitting on a chair, looking in a big mirror framed by little light bulbs. She was doing her hair, a classic updo (dt. Hochsteckfrisur). It was as if her hair followed her will perfectly, as it took her only seconds and not a single strand of hair was not in its place. Then she took a shell and fixed it in her hair. The shell changed its colour from a soft rose to a shiny white as she turned around, facing Adriana. The woman opposite to her was her mother, Aphrodite. While she looked as beautiful and perfect as you could picture the goddess of beauty and love, her eyes looked sad.

"It is a hard time.", she began. "We have to spread as much beauty as possible to keep up against all the ugly in the world. One of my servants, my followers, my friends is gone. Someone took her." Her sad, big eyes focused on Adriana. "You have to find her. Free her, bring her back to me." Adriana wanted to ask a question, but when she opened her mouth, her mother spoke first. "You do not need to ask who is missing. You already know it. You are my daugther. You of all people should have felt it yourself." Even though Adriana at first did not understand what her mother meant, she knew something was wrong. Adriana nodded. "It is one of your Graces, is it? It is..." She thought for a moment, remebered the prophecy and her eyes widened. "It is Joy. Joy is missing." A single tear ran over Aphrodites cheek, when she spoke. "Yes. Joy is gone. Euphrosyne has been captured. And I want you to free her, not this filthy son of my husband."

(Joy is the English name for Euphrosyne. Feel free to use the one you like most. Ah. And Hepheastus is Aphrodites husband. However, she does not like him very much, as she has a not so secret affair with Ares. Long story short: Filthy son of Hepheastus probably means Gideon ;D )


Chapter Two // Splitting Up

Date: 11.06.2010
Weather: It was a warm day, but not a bright one. The sun was covered in clouds and the light breeze had become quite strong gusts of wind (dt. Windböen). By looking at the clouds one might have gotten the impression it might start to rain later the day.

The second day has begun. Feel free to start playing, have breakfast with the others, talk about what happened or do whatever you like. I will give every player a month to inform me if he or she still wants to be part of the game. If I do not get a response until the end of April, I will have to guess the player isn't interested any more. This is very important, as I have to know how many characters will be up for the quest.

AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Viktoría woke up and groaned. As if her dreams weren't disturbing enough, her neck ached badly. She grimaced in pain and rubbed her eyes. " 'Course I fell asleep during research. There isn't a better place to take a nap...", she mumbled and tried to massage her neck to ease the pain. It didn't work of course. Torí got up, stretched and made a grab for the golden compass. Which wasn't there anymore.
At first she thought she might have placed some books above it or her notes. She checked her pockets. Nothing.
She looked under the table, the chair and even under the bookshelves. Out of desperation the demigod checked her pockets again. Still nothing.

"That's impossible..." Viktoría prided herself on never losing anything. Never ever. "OK, no freaking out, girl. Try to think straight", she told herself. A few of her siblings were awake too and started looking in her direction. None of them would have taken the item for sure. None of them, but another cabin was infamous for stealing stuff. Viktoría clenched her fists. 'But you can't be sure. You shouldn't jump to conclusions', she warned herself and tried to calm down.

First things first. Today the cabins would be inspected and Athena's children had a lot of work to do. With some of her elder siblings she woke up the late risers and they started to clean up their home. This was the easy part.

Viktoría's stiff neck gave her a headache, which made thinking straight quite hard. She chewed her lower lip, while cleaning up her working place. Still no compass. "This is bad", she mumbled over and over again.
Her best chance was to talk to Kimon. Probably he had an idea where the compass might be. "I'm done here", she called to her head counselor. (Frage: Darf ich Annabeth miteinbeziehen oder ist sie gerade nicht da?)

After breakfast and inspection Viktoría started looking for Kimon. She walked over to the volleyball court and began her search.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


The golden Compass send a glimmer of moonlight against John's face. He turned the object around in his hand, trying to take every detail in at once. Then he realized where he was and with a quick glance around he made sure that he hasn't been watched. Opening an inner pocket of his jacket he let the compass slide into its new hiding place.
A very satisfied grin appeared on John's face when he feld the weight of the object press against his chest. Now it was how it was suppost to be.
With a deep breath he put on his pokerface, then turned on the spot and returned to his cabin. Without being noticed by his brothers and sisters he slipped into his bed where he soon fell asleep with one hand on the outline of the compass and the other one on his pocket knife.

On the next day

John was shaken awake by one of his brothers. Apparently they had to clean the cabin because there would be a check-up this morning and since the Ares-kids never used much energy and time on tiding up, the big room could easily be mistaken for a battlefield.
Groaning John rolled out of bed, secretly checking the whereabouts of his compass. Yes, his compass! It was rightfully his and he didn't even think about giving it back. Feeling the contures of the golden object near his chest, he started cleaning himself before helping his siblings tiding up the cabin.

At long last they were done - which means that none of them felt anymore compelled to do anything more - and together with Darren and Lauren (two of his older siblings) he went to get breakfast.

While he acted all natural as usual on the outside, John was shooting a few hidden looks around, trying to spot Charlie. She was the only one he could be dangerous for him, since she was the only one who knew, that the golden compass was in his possession. Her acting during the night had surprised him, he wouldn't have thought that she'd just voluntarily offer him the compass without any claim to herself. And if John has learned anything during his time in Camp Half-Blood, then that unusual and surprising behavior is cause for caution.

(OOC: gawd that was fun! i forgot how much i enjoyed this rpg ;D)
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Okey something went terribly wrong. was her only thought in her mind when she awaked. Was it a dream? Or did she really talked with her mother? It was both. This was her next idea. She was asleep but the conversation with her mother was real, too.

"That´s the things you need to handle, when you live in a world like this" Adriana said aloud. But what exactly is my thing to do?. The beauty got up and went to her mirror. In opposite to her mother she was a ugly duck. Like everytime when she needs to sort her thoughts she starts brushing her hair. It was so pretty and soft. It was marvelous to touch it and it calmed her.

"Joy is gone. And I need to find her. My mother doesen´t want that Gideon find her. But why? And how should I find her alone? And not just find her. How can I free her and bring her back to my mother. I didn´t even know where my mother is..." she put the brush down. Her cheeks where red, ´cause of her anger. Her beautiful eyes wide and shining. She felt herself so alone and lost but this feeling was just there for a moment. In the next second she had an idea. She needs to be in Gideons team. He would help her but in the end, when she knew everything she needs to know, she would free joy. She pined her long beautiful hair up and put some make up on. After a few minutes the was standing in front of the mirror and was checking herself. Her long and strong legs where in a short jeans and she was wearing a tight top. Is was a good outfit to fight but it was perfectly good to show of her good body. The took her bow and left her room. What she need to know now was: Where was he? It took her just a second to find a men a could help her. After a few minutes she was standing before his door. Unsure what do to she waited for a minute. Everything was silent. Then she knocked and put on her best smile.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


As Gideon woke up this morning, he refused to get up. Not one damn
dream was granted to him which would help him to find his path. "C'mon
Gid, get up sleepyhead, you have a visitor" Gideon opened one eye and
looked up to George. "I don't want to speak with somebody!" he mumbled
and pulled his blanket over his head. "You act like a Diva, Gid, you
know? Anyway, we also have to clean up the house, so get up and speak
to the Beauty on the door. I wouldn't let her wait, if you
understand..."* he grinned and went out of Gideons Room. "And since
when do you come in, without a Knocking?" Gideon grumbled. Then he
threw off the blanket and a few minutes later he stood dressed in
front of his mirror and tried in vain to smooth his hair, which was a
proof of his restless night. He let his hair win.

"Good Morning" he replied to his siblings on the way to the door,
where Adriana was waiting. As he see her, he couldn't resist a quiet
WOW. She looked stunning as she stood in the door and the light played
around her from behind. Gideon's eyes stopped for a short while at her
long legs, then he smiled at her. "Hi Adriana" he greeted her and
moved closer to her. "How can I help you?" Of course he knew, why she
was here. She want to be a part of his Team.

(How many may support Gideon? And who he should pick?)
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Adriana didn´t know how to begin. So it was good, that it took Gideon some time to get up. So she had time to release her thoughts. When he came to her she knew that she was pretty. Even him the son of Hephaestus liked the view. As he came closer her heartbeat got faster. He was handsome. She liked his eyes and his body was good trained. She could imagine to kuddle a little bit with him. She put on her bests smile, before she answers. She came even a step closer to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh there are a lot of things you can do for and with me" she said. Her smile a little bit naughty. "But I think we both know what I desire" She started using just a very little charmspeak to make her words more attraktive and comfortable and to keep her intentions clear. "I want to be in the team" she said looking uo to him directly into his eyes. No games no fun. She put all her intentions into her voice. It was importent for her. Very importent. And she wanted him to know.

"I know that you don´t like me just because of my mother. But you don´t know me and I want to get a chance to prove myself to you and all the others who think that I am just a beauty little thing. To beauty and fragile to do something."