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An interview with God



Ich hab mal auf einer Website eine kurze Präsentation zu dem Thema "An interview with God" gesehen und mir gedacht, daraus mach ich eine kleine Geschichte. Manche Sachen hab ich aus der Präsentation übernommen, manche erfunden ;-))

Last night I dreamed I had an interview with God. I asked him “Have you got time for me?” He smiled and answered: “My time is eternity.” So I asked him: “What is for you the most fascinating thing about the people all over the world?” God smiled again. “That they are bored with childhood and can’t wait to grow up…and then long for Childhood. That they lose their health to make money…and then pay money to heal themselves. That they live as if they’ll never died…and die as if they never had lived.” I was silent for a while and then asked: “What do you think, people could make better?” For a moment God was silent, too, then he replied: “They should learn to appreciate their own life and they should learn to know, that life is not for eternity.” Suddenly memories spread through my mind. Memories, I had long forgotten. I was young. Maybe ten years old. I played with our dog, when Mom came into my room. “Mary” she said in a small voice. And then she told me, that my grandma was ill, that she was in hospital and that the doctors could not help her. Grandma lived far away from us and I only saw her once in a year, maybe less. Calls? Maybe once in a month and at Christmas. Letters? On her birthday…
And then Mom told me, she was diying. I couldn’t believe it. There was so much I wanted to tell her. And I prayed. I prayed to God and tryied to deal with him. “I will write her every month and I will call her every Sunday, if you let her live!” I prayed every evening. And a week later Mom told me, that the doctors found a new method to care grandmas illnes. And I went on praying. “I will study at school and help mom in the house, take the dog out, wash the dishes, but let her live!” And a week later Mom told me, that Grandma had gone home and that she was fine. But I didn’t write her. I thought I could do it tomorrow…the next day…next week. And as I lay in bed I prayed the last time to God. I prayed: “I’ll give you ten years of my life, if you never maker her ill again.” And the next day, Mom came to me and told me, that Grandma in her sleep the last night. I had not written her though I had promissed it to God and to myself. The memory stops. I taste salt on my lips and needed a few seconds to find out, that I taste my own tears. God went on without a comment. “And they should learn, that it needs just a few seconds to hurt somebody deep inside.” I remembered my Mom, when she was making her driving licence. And she took me, my sisters and my dad for a side, after she had got her licence. She was so excited and happy at the same time. And we laughed at her. “Oh Mom, can’t you drive faster? Are you frightned? Are you sure, you got you driving licence?” Mom’s face changed with every word we shouted out and suddenly she stopped the car and got out of it. From this moment she has never driven a car again. “But that it takes years or maybe a lifetime to heal those wounds…” The memory changed and I saw myself, lying on my bed and crying. And I saw a pretty boy. I knew, I had love him. But he didn’t love me. And I did not believe it and was crying for weeks. “They should learn…” I hear Gods voice. “that they can’t make anyone love them and they just can make themselves be loved.” The memories stoped and I was quiet. No tears, no thoughts. “They should learn that the richest person is not the one, who had the most things, but the one who needs the least.”
“And why don’t you help us to learn…?” I asked in a provoking voice. “I thought you could do everything…” And he smiled. “I believe, you can do it on your own. I believe in you. You must learn it on your own, because if I would helped you it would mean, that I lost my faith in you, that I don’t trust you…and that is the most terrible thing that can happen, isn’t it?” Then I woke up.

After this dream…can I say, that I really talked to God? Yes. I don’t have any proofs but do I need any? Aren’t dreams and faith the best proofs you can have? I can understand, if no one believes me. No one must believe me. You must find God on your own and trust me, it’s not difficult. When a helpful hand holds us, when lovely eyes look at us, a candle, when we are crying. Did you ever think, that all these things could be a part of God? Sometimes we hope so much for the lucky strike, that we overlook all the little things, that could make us happy. Sometimes we forget that we won’t find anything, that’s worther than our life. We should learn to see all the wonders, the world have. How a baby grows up, how birds know, that they have to fly southwartd, when the winter comes. Ho we are able to feel. We can’t explain all those things. But we can try to love them. And when you try to listen to all these little wonders…then maybe you’ll get you own interview with God.

So, dann warte ich mal auf Feedback...
das ist eine schöne geschichte... hmmm, wenn gott wirklich so vernünftig und weise ist, wie in deiner geschichte hätte er wahrscheinlich genau das gesagt, ich finds doll, und das englisch passt zu der geschichte... that´s it!
als ich gesehen hab, dass du da eine englische geschichte geschrieben hast, hab ich mir nur gedacht: "oh nein, nicht englisch. die les ich nicht!" aber dann hab ich mir gedacht, dass ich durch ein wenig englisch lesen etwas davon lernen könnte.
ich hab wirklich mehr verstanden, als ich eigentlich gedacht habe.
und ich muss sagen, mir gefällt deine geschichte! sie ist wirklich wunderschön und regt auch zum nachdenken an. großartig!!
Danke für euer liebes Feedback! :) Ich freu mich, dass euch die Story gefällt.

@*Hollyssa*: Denk ich auch immer, bevor ich was Englisches les. *g*