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Anne Frank (2.Weltkrieg...)

Ich habe das Buch auch gelesen und fand es,. wie die meisten von euch, sehr interessant. Außerdem habe ich das Buch "Meine Zeit mit Anne Frank" gelesen, das die Miep, also eine der Frauen, die die Franks versorgt hat, geschrieben hat. Auch das war sehr interessant, zumal es da ja nicht nur darum geht, was die Franks erlebt haben, sondern auch was deren Freunde durchgemacht haben.
Naja, also als voll brutal würd ich ihn jetzt nicht gerade bezeichnen. Wenn man bedenkt, wie brutal es in dieser Zeit war, ist der Film noch relativ harmlos, aber ich glaub ich versteh schon, was du meinst: man kann sich noch so brutale Horrofilme ansehn (ich gehör übrigens nicht dazu, ich hasse auch Horrorfilme), aber wenn man einen Film sieht, bei dem man weiß, dass das wirklich passiert ist, dann ist das viel, viel schlimmer (noch schlimmer als Horrofilme).
Wir haben das Buch in der Schule gelesen, in der 3. Klasse Gymnasium, also mit 12 /13 Jahren und danach haben wir den Film geschaut.
Ich weiß nicht, ob das das richtige Alter für so ein Buch ist, denn ich kann mich erinnern, dass die meisten das Buch nicht mochten. Und ich eigentlich auch nicht. Sicher, die Umstände und alles waren schlimm, das bezweifel ich keineswegs, aber das Buch hat mir so zum Lesen nicht gefallen. Vielleicht hab ich es auch einfach damals nicht verstanden, aber da ich es nur einmal gelesen habe, kann ich nur dazu sagen, dass es mir eigentlich nicht besonders gut gefallen hat.
Pruedence: Ich meinte das jetzt nicht so. Ich meinte brutal war die Zeit damals. Der Film ist ein milder ausdruck von dem was damals geschehen ist.
Hier ist mein Englisch Referat über Anne, könnt mir gleich Fehler ausbessern, bin nicht beleidigt ;)

The diary of Anne Frank

I will tell you something about a book I’ve really enjoyed.
The title of the book is “The diary of Anne Frank”
The Diary of Anne Frank is the story of a 13-year-old Jewish girl and her family who are forced into hiding by the Nazis during World War II.
Anneliese Mary Frank, called Anne, was born on July 12th 1929 in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. 1933, when Hitler came to Germany, she went with her family to Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Life is so wonderful for her, but in July 1942 there’s an unexpected change in it. In July 1942 Anne Frank, her family, another family, and a man all moved into the attic of Otto Frank's work place. There were three people that helped the families, the most famous being Meip Gies.

First, I’ll say more to Anne’s character:
Anne Frank was a lovely girl who wanted to grow up and be somebody. She didn't just want to sit around and be a housewife. She wanted to go out into the world and see things and do things. Anne had a collection of movie stars that she would hang up on her walls. She wanted to be like the movie stars, beautiful and independent. Anne was also pretty normal in the fact that she always got in fights with her mom. Anne felt that her mother didn't know her and didn't love her as much as Pim did. (Anne called her father Pim as a nickname since she had been a baby.) When she was grown up she had been a book writer or a journalist.
Otto “Pim” Frank:
Anne loved her father, but after years of hiding she doesn’t say much about him. But he was a hero for her, after all.
Edith “Mom” Frank:
Anne often said that she hates her Mother, but in realistic she loved her. She often argued with her, because she and her Mom were very disagree.
Margot Frank:
Before the war, Anne and Margot weren’t only sisters, they also were friends. But when they were hiding so long, it changed every day, one day Anne said how good and sweet her sister is on the other day she hated her.
Peter VanDaan:
On the beginning, when they were hiding Anne weren’t often with him. But in 1943 she finds a real good friend in him.

The other characters Mister VanDaan, Misses VanDaan, Mister Dussel and Meip Gies aren’t so important, because they aren’t so often in the book.
Anne's long adventure started when Margot, her older sister, got a letter from the Nazi’s. It said she was to report to a slave labor camp nearby. Otto Frank had already been planning to go into hiding when something like this happened, but he didn't think it would happen so soon, or to one of his daughters instead of him or Edith, his wife. Otto set up an appointment to meet with one of his friends and a worker at his store, Meip Gies. When Otto told Meip that he would like her to help supply food to the two families that would be living up stairs he thought she would need time to think about it. Instead she answered immediatly yes, and asked when she would start. Originally it was just to be the Franks and the Van Daans, but another man, named Mister Dussel, moved in also.
Anne got her first diary when she was twelve, and she wrote in her hiding-place. Anne mostly wrote about her feelings,
I would post a very good dialogue from the 15th July 1944:
"It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. It's utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more"
other quotations:
“Nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
or another
“We will be also again humans, not only Jews sometime.”
When the Franks were discovered and arrested on the morning of August 4, 1944, Anne’s diary remained scattered among the possessions left behind in their ransacked rooms. Meip Gies found the diary before the Franks’ things were confiscated by Nazi authorities. She kept it, unread in her desk drawer, then gave it to Otto Frank after the war.

Anne and Margot were taken to Auschwitz, after a month they were taken to Bergen-Belsen. Anne and Margot got Thyphus and died in March 1945, a few weeks before liberation.

Otto Frank was the only one from the families who survived. The will from his youngest daughter was to bring out a book about her adventures in her hiding place, and he did it.
The diary of Anne Frank is one of the famous books of the time in world war 2. First it came out in 1950. The book was translated into over 30 languages.

I think that all people should read this book. It’s so fascinating, exciting and so moving. You can find out a few things about the second world war, and you can identify with her because she is as old as we.
Hey, also ich kenne nur den Film! Den finde ich ziemlich interessant, denk ma das Buch is ähnlich! Ich fänds cool, wenn wir auch ma so bücher in der schule lesen könnten, wir lesen immer nur so langweilige! *kotz*
Cool, den Film würd ich gerne sehen. Hat man da Annes Gedanken "gehört", weil sie ja selten (im Buch) darüber schreibt was genau sie spricht und ihre Gedanken ja auch viel interessanter sind....
Was war im film eigentlich mit Peter und ihr? Haben sie sich im April 1944 auch geküsst?
lg, Piper
ich kann mich jetzt nicht mehr so genau daran erinnern, also verzeih mir mögliche Fehler.

zu den Gedanken: sie schreibt ins Tagebuch und dabei "hört" man ihre Gedanken, also in diesem typischen Effekt, sie liest es vor, aber ihre Lippen bewegen sich nicht, weißt du was ich meine?

zum küssen: ja, ich meine sie haben sich geküsst.

ich kann nachschauen, da meine mutter Religionslehrerin ist haben wir den Film irgendwo auf Video
hm, wir haben den damals beim Thema Judentum (bei uns war das in der 9. Klasse) angeschaut und meine Mum schaut den mit ihren 9. Klässlern auch immer an

auch sonst haben wir oft Filme angeschaut, z.B. Schindlers Liste, Die 10 Gebote...