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Alyssas Nachrichten an ihre Fans

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Hach,Alyssa hat schon wieder gepostet.

I'm sitting here with Greg Vaughn and we thought we would post a message. We're visiting with my cute mommy. I am so glad you guys love my pictures from South Africa. Being able to visit such a far away land changed my life. The earth is so beautiful. The people have such an amazing outlook on life because they have overcome such political struggle. The three months I lived there helped me to realize how blessed we are, how much we take for granted and most importantly that there are miracles everywhere. The trees, the stars, the birds, these are all lifes miracles. I love you guys.....Lyssie

Message Board
Ich finds echt supermegaklasse , dass Alyssa sich so mit ihren Fans beschäftigt!! Da fühlt man sich irgendwie cool, wenn sie einen "persöhnlich" grüsst! :inlove:
Was für eine glückliche Frau, kann die einfach mal so mit Greg Vaughan rumsitzen! Hach!

@AM: Danke, dass du uns auf dem laufenden hältst,Großes Lob,dass du die Ausschnitte immer findest und hier postest!
Du würdest bestimmt gern mit Alyssa tauschen:)

Ich find's auch voll coll von Alyssa.Und das besondere ist ja,dass die Posts "schnell" hintereinander folgten.
Sonst kann's manchmal 2monate dauern,bis was neues kommt.
Alyssa ist einfach ein Schatz!!
@AlyssaMilano: Nee, tauschen möchte ich nicht. Ich hab meinen Dan und das ist auch gut so.

Ist das nicht süß von Alyssa??? Schon wieder was neues:

You guys are so awesome. I have been reading the boards everyday and I am overwhelmed by all the sweet words and thoughts you have for me and the SS crew. You're all great writers. I think it's really cool that you use my boards to express your thoughts creatively. So keep it flowing and share all you wish to share with me. It makes me really happy. Also.... Please take a moment today and and sit quietly and send good thoughts to our boys in Afghanistan.

Das ist wirklich spitze von Alyssa ,dass sie sich so mit ihren Fans beschäftigt! Und das obwohl sie soviel anderes zu tun hat! :flash:
Alyssa ist echt die beste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's get to know each other better!
O.K. so I was thinking....since you guys know more about me than I know about you.....why not post a question a week for you guys to answer so I can get to know you all better? What do you think?
If you were stranded on a island and could only bring one book and one CD, what would they be?
The book I would bring would be a blank book so I could write about my sollitude and then maybe someday, someone would find it and publish it.
The CD I would bring would be the Beatles White Album because it's a double album and I grew up listening to it so it reminds me of my sweet family.

Alyssa ist echt die beste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's get to know each other better!
O.K. so I was thinking....since you guys know more about me than I know about you.....why not post a question a week for you guys to answer so I can get to know you all better? What do you think?
If you were stranded on a island and could only bring one book and one CD, what would they be?
The book I would bring would be a blank book so I could write about my sollitude and then maybe someday, someone would find it and publish it.
The CD I would bring would be the Beatles White Album because it's a double album and I grew up listening to it so it reminds me of my sweet family.


(mist,doppelt gepostet! )
Lyssie ist fleißig:D
Great question for this week. If I could meet five people dead or alive who would they be? Let's see.....
1. John Lennon
2. Ammachi (she's a hindu saint)
3. Audrey Hepburn
4. Martin Luther King Jr.
5. John F. Kennedy
I hope you are all well.
Light And Love.....



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