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Welche Barbie seit ihr?

  • Ersteller Ersteller Anastacia
  • Erstellt am Erstellt am
Ich wollt das grade mal machen. Aber irgendwie gibts da nie das zur Auswahl was ich nehmen will.  :upsetw:
@Anastacia: bei mir kommt auch Palm Beach Barbie raus  :lol:
@Sandi: Ganz ruhig. War bei mir auch  :sneaky2:  Da hab ich einfach was anderes genommen  :D
Ich bin
Palm Beach Barbie!
You like everything about the beach: the water, the sand, the sun, the swimsuits. You are also less likely to drown to death.
Sehr schön, das passt richtig gut :)
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Zitat (Frannie @ 30 Mai.  2002, 17:32)HarleyBarbie :)

Fran ;)
deto^^ ich ja krank XD

Ähm ich check des mal wiedr nicht auf Englisch! :eyes: &nbsp;:eyes: &nbsp;:eyes: &nbsp;:eyes:

Bye Piper88
Which Barbie Are You?

You are the Marilyn Monroe Barbie! You have a natural charisma and love attention. You want to entertain the world and people are drawn to your personality. On the other hand, you could also move to Los Angeles to become an aspiring actress/singer and eventually die hungry and alone, thinking that no one will ever see your talent. Ahh, well. You win some, you lose some

I´m a cheerleader barbie.

You are Cheerleader Barbie! You are spirited and friendly. You love sports and you are the person that goes around telling others that &quot;there is no 'i' in team.&quot; Arrgh.
