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5x01/5x02 Ruf des Meeres

Yuki Natsukawa

16 April 2002
SPOILER!!!! Alle dies nicht lesen wollen nicht weiter lesen XD

Nach einem sehr guten Kontakt nach Amerika und von einer Site (Link leider verboten weiterzugeben oder schreibt mir ne PM) hat sich der Titel für 5.01 wieder geändert!

Ich habe den A Night of the Nights ja auch in verschieden Foren freigegeben und wie ich merke weiß davon schon fasst jede Seite!

Der neue Titel lautet: "5.01 Three steps to the Truth"
Yuki: Das ich einfach niemand mehr etwas glaube ;o) .. der eine sagt dies, der andere das. Es gab/gibt ja schon eine Diskussion wo es darüber ging, dass es eine 6. und 7. Staffel geben wird. Tja, der eine sagte 'Ja, denn ich habe Quellen dort und dort hin' der andere 'Nein, das stimmt nicht..' ... also, wie kann man da noch jemanden glauben?

Ich habe keine 'richtigen' Quellen, ich finde die Spoiler und evtl. Episodentitel auf irgend welchen Sites oder in Foren, also kann ich auch nicht mit Sicherheit behaupten, meins würde stimmen, egal... ;)

Dem Titel läßt sich mal wieder nichts entnehmen!
Bei den Charmed-Boards fand ich übrigens noch 2 weitere Titel: "Oh Boy, Oh Boy" und "Breaking Point" Wir werden sehen. :)

"Ich habe keine 'richtigen' Quellen, ich finde die Spoiler und evtl. Episodentitel auf irgend welchen Sites oder in Foren, also kann ich auch nicht mit Sicherheit behaupten, meins würde stimmen, egal... ;)" - geht mir genauso !

P.S.: Der Name 'Oh Boy, oh Boy' ist ja vom selben Stil wie 'She's A Man, Baby, A Man!'. *g*
Stimmt, der gleiche Stil... :D
Aber das sind alles lustige Titel, Three steps to the Truth, A Night of the Nights und Oh Boy, oh Boy! Meint ihr net? :p
5.01/5.02 Ruf des Meeres

Die Ideen fuer den Season opener sind fertig und hier ist eine kleine Zusammenfassung:

Eine Meerjungfrau will menschlich werden und darf es bleiben nur wenn sie ihre grosse liebe findet. Wenn es ihr nicht gelingt muss sie ihr unendliches Leben einem Wasserdaemonen schenken. Deshalb bittet sie Phoebe umhilfe, denn die Charmed Ones sind bekannt in der Unterwasserwelt, da noch nie zuvor jemand einen Wasserdaemonen vernichtet hat.

Nebenbei muss Phoebe sich noch von Cole scheiden lassen, obwohl der ja noch in der Unterwelt ist. Paige dagegen hat immer noch Probleme eine Hexe zu sein und färbt sich ausversehen ihre Haare rot. Piper hat probleme mit ihrem Baby. Und ploetylich wird Phoebe in eine Meerjungfrau verwandelt und Cole ist in der Lage sich von der Unterwelt zubefreien.

Charmed - A Witch’s Tail, Part One
Page 4

LEO (CONT’D): Look at you hair - it’s still red from the potion you blew up last night.

PAIGE: Hey, you know how much you pay for a dye job like this?

PHOEBE: I love the highlights. See ya.

Phoebe seizes the moment and outs out. Paige turns to Leo.

PAIGE: I’m sorry, Leo. I’m not going to apologize for pushing ahead with my magic studies considering I’m like the career assistant at work.

LEO: Maybe if you actually spent time at work, instead of cataloguing demons by continent… Piper’s pregnant. We can’t subject her to unnecessary risk.

PIPER: I appreciate you looking out for me, dear, but I’m still a witch… with demons to fight and innocents to protect. I can’t crawl into a hole. That’s just not part of the deal.



CLOSE on the SEA HAG, an evil witch with the unsettling look if an aged pixie, wearing a shell neck piece.

SEA HAG: I’m afraid that was the deal… love or immortality. You failed to find love, so I get your immortality,

REVEAL a beautiful barefoot woman named MYLIE, 20s. They stand by a natural pool in the center of a moss-covered grotto. Stalactites and seaweed. Remnants of sunken galleons. Shafts of sunlight pierce the gloom.

MYLIE: But he does love me, I know he does.

SEA HAG: Oh really… did he tell you?

Charmed - ”A Witch’s Tail, Part One”
Page 5

MYLIE: It’s in the way he looks at me… the way he strokes my hair at night and kisses me awake in the morning. He doesn’t have to tell me he loves me.

The Sea Hag laughs cruelly.

SEA HAG: Well, actually he does. But he’ll never say he loves you until he trusts you, and he’ll never trust you until you tell him what you really are. You see why I always win these bargains.

The Sea Hag pulls a wicked AUGER SHELL from an alcove of water in the cavern wall, fed by an overhead drip. The large shell has a conical shaped, tapering to a sharp tip.

SEA HAG (CONT’D): Now, I’m afraid only you can give up your immortality. Place this Auger Shell over your heart… it will draw your life force inside.

Mylie reluctantly accepts the shell. A slimy LEECH pokes out, searching for flesh. Mylie stares at the foul slug.

MYLIE: What if I don’t?

The Sea Hag waves a hand and hanging seaweed COMES TO LIFE like tentacles, wrapping up Mylie and pulling her back against the wall. The Sea Hag steps close and smiles.

SEA HAG: Then you’ll spend eternity right here.

With no choice, Mylie brings the Auger Shell to her heart -- the abruptly plunges the sharp end into the Sea Hag. She screams in pain. The seaweed binds LOOSEN. As the Sea Hag removes the shell, Mylie dives into the pool then surfaces.

MYLIE: You’re wrong. He loves me. And I’m going to prove it.

As Mylie drives back down with a flip of her MERMAID’S TAIL.



Charmed - ”A Witch’s Tail, Part One”
Page 9

Piper opens the book and flips forward. To her surprise, the “5 Years Old” page is blank. She flips further. The rest of the book is blank. The sight disturbs Piper.

LEO (CONT’D): There was no one to finish it when your mother died. She thought she was invincible, too. She was wrong.


With a WHITE FLASH, a knobby-kneed trifle of a demon named PINKUS pops into frame. Small and skinny with horrible boils, he wrings his hands and bows frequently.

PINKUS: Hello? Begging your evil pardon.

The Sea Hag, in pain, turns with a scowl, holding a mud pack to her side. Pinkus falls to his knees in dread.

PINKUS (CONT’D): I’m sorry for my wretched existence. Please, don’t obliterate me on sight. I bear a message from my master.

She removes the pack to reveal a nasty would left by Mylie.

SEA HAG: Necron?

Pinkus nods vigorously, relieved he’s still alive. What might be a show of fear crosses the Sea Hag’s face.

PINKUS: He wants the immortality you promised him and he wants it now –- his words, not mine.

SEA HAG: Tell your master he’ll get what he wants, but he must be patient.

That news sends Pinkus into fits.

PINKUS: Oh no… I can’t tell him that. No disrespects, but Skeletal Beings aren’t know for their patience –- they’re know for crushing life from victims like wine from a grape.

Charmed - ”A Witch’s Tail, Part One”
Page 10

SEA HAG: Then you’d best hurry along.

PINKUS: I’ll do as you ask, but it’ll be the last thing I do before Necron eats my life force… then comes for yours.

Pinkus disappears in a WHITE FLASH. The Sea Hag, showing her own fear now, turns to the natural pool and holds her hands over the water.

SEA HAG: Water rise up from the sea, find the one who fled from me. Gather where the winds are cold, then fall tenfold, like days of old.

As the Sea Hag recites her spell, the water BUBBLES AND CHURNS. A flash of underwater LIGHTNING carries us:


LIGHTNING flashes in a dark sky, followed by THUNDER. Mylie glances up anxiously as she paces a grassy urban park, surrounded by glass and steel buildings. She sees CRAIG, 30s, exit a nearby building. She calls to him.

MYLIE: Craig!

He hurries over, his usually warm and open face filled with concern. She runs to him, out of breath.

MYLIE (CONT’D): I’m so sorry to call you out of your meeting.

CRAIG: They said it was an emergency. What’s going on?

It’s an awkward moment. Mylie isn’t sure how to start.

MYLIE: I need to know how you fell about me.

Craig stares at her for a beat -- the starts laughing.

MYLIE: What’s so funny?

Craig takes Mylie into his arms and pulls her close.

Charmed - ”A Witch’s Tail, Part One”
Page 11

CRAIG: You know what I love?

MYLIE: (looking up breathlessly) No… what?

CRAIG: Your enthusiasm.

MYLIE: (not what she expected) Oh. What else?

CRAIG: This little dimple here when you smile.

He kisses the dimple. She frowns. Craig senses.

CRAIG (CONT’D): Mylie… what’s going on here?

MYLIE: I told you, I need to know how you feel about me, deep inside. It’s important.

CRAIG: Well, I’m getting on a plane to New York in two hours. When I get back --

MYLIE: Before you get on the plane. I can’t explain why, but unless you tell me how you feel, right now… I may not be here when you return.

That information rocks Craig.

CRAIG: What’s that supposed to mean?

MYLIE: I’m sorry. It’s not a threat. It’s just what it is.

CRAIG: (beyond pressured) Mylie… this isn’t the time or place. Whatever I feel, it should come out when I’m ready.

Charmed - ”A Witch’s Tail, Part One”
Page 12

MYLIE: But we're running out of time.

CRAIG: What are you hiding from me?

THUNDER rumbles overhead. Mylie looks up nervously.

MYLIE: Look Craig, I admit this isn't fair, what I'm asking... but it's what I need, right now, if you want to keep me in you life.

She's holding firm. Craig has to decide.

CRAIG: You're asking me to lay my heart on a butcher block and hand you the axe, you know that? (off her resolve) Okay... if it's that important.

Craig sits on a bench. Mylie smiles with the breakthrough. She sits beside him and takes his hand to let him know that his feelings are safe. Craig takes a deep breath.

CRAIG (CONT'D): When I met you, I felt a wall come down. A wall around my heart...

As Craig speaks, raindrops start to fall. One lands on Mylie's thigh, below her skit. SCALES instantly form. She abruptly stands and yanks down her skirt to hide them.

MYLIE: I gotta go.

CRAIG: Wait... You just...

MYLIE: I'm so sorry.

As Craig, confused and off guard, watches Mylie run for cover:


The rain falls hard now. Mylie hides under an overhang to stay dry from the heavy downpour. She sadly watches...
Hey Ling!

Wo hast du das Script her? Ich find das total klasse! Danke dafür Ling!!!  :)


P.S: Die Infos sind cool und die Folge hört sich spannend an  :D
Ich bin jetzt zu faul, mir das Script anzugucken - und zu verstehen. ;)

Doch danke schon mal, Ling! Die Story klingt aber richtig cool, finde ich. Zuerst gefiel mir das nicht so, aber oft ist es immer ganz anders, als man sich das vorstellt.

Ich weiß nicht, ob das bereits schon im Script enthalten ist, doch - Spoiler - Piper erleidet einen schweren Panikanfall, weil sie Angst vorm Wasser hat!? :dontgetit:

Warum auf einmal auch Piper, sonst war es doch immer nur Prue... :sadlike:

Während dieses Anfalls erhält Phoebe ihre 3. Kraft.
